Stereoscopic (3-D) Cinema, Video, and Graphics
Stereoscopic (3-D) Cinema, Video, and Graphics
led by George Vrabchev (BG)
13.09.2011, 16:00 – 18:00, Studio 7, NAA, 1 Shipka str.
This workshop will introduce you to the stereoscopic technologies used in the creation of 3-D movies. We will go through the basics of stereoscopic cinema and will follow the evolution of the methods and working technologies in cinema and print: new projection technologies, new developments, problems in contemporary working and projection methods and their role in our daily life – TV, the Internet. You'll learn how to design a stereoscopic project, what problems you might face in the working process, how to avoid or solve them. A practical training section will offer the possibility to use professional technology to create a 3-D video under experts’ guidance, to process it and prepare it for projection in different formats. You will learn to use programs to generate and process video and graphics in order to create stereoscopic products. You’ll learn to convert a standard technology material into a 3-D format. Everyone who wants to become familiar with these technologies is welcome. The number of participants is limited to 15 people.
led by George Vrabchev (BG)
13.09.2011, 16:00 – 18:00, Studio 7, NAA, 1 Shipka str.
This workshop will introduce you to the stereoscopic technologies used in the creation of 3-D movies. We will go through the basics of stereoscopic cinema and will follow the evolution of the methods and working technologies in cinema and print: new projection technologies, new developments, problems in contemporary working and projection methods and their role in our daily life – TV, the Internet. You'll learn how to design a stereoscopic project, what problems you might face in the working process, how to avoid or solve them. A practical training section will offer the possibility to use professional technology to create a 3-D video under experts’ guidance, to process it and prepare it for projection in different formats. You will learn to use programs to generate and process video and graphics in order to create stereoscopic products. You’ll learn to convert a standard technology material into a 3-D format. Everyone who wants to become familiar with these technologies is welcome. The number of participants is limited to 15 people.