Cleaning Womеn
Cleaning Womеn (Finland)
12.09.2011, 20:00, inner yard of the Academy, 1 Shipka str.
"It's a joke, right?"
Three guys in drag, clinking away like monkeys in heat at their home-made instruments made out of clotheshorses and pickle jars, hollering vaguely nonsensical slogans about the importance of cleaning... That's not exactly asking for the music to be taken too seriously, right?
Granted, you may be excused to have entertained such heretic notions, if you have not been lucky enough to have witnessed any of the Cleaning Women's hundreds of packed club or art-house performances, where your jaw would most likely have dropped at the sight of their supreme skill and prowess. Despite the apparent flimsiness of their self-customized 'drying racks', their sound and teamwork are tight and sturdy in a punkjazz kinda way, and despite the undisputably avantgardian approach, the actual songs are danceable and easy to relate to, with enough nuances to transcend most genre boundaries. What's more, they manage to do all that without stooping to gratuitous 'art for art's sake', and actually entertain pretty heterogenic crossover crowds.
12.09.2011, 20:00, inner yard of the Academy, 1 Shipka str.
"It's a joke, right?"
Three guys in drag, clinking away like monkeys in heat at their home-made instruments made out of clotheshorses and pickle jars, hollering vaguely nonsensical slogans about the importance of cleaning... That's not exactly asking for the music to be taken too seriously, right?
Granted, you may be excused to have entertained such heretic notions, if you have not been lucky enough to have witnessed any of the Cleaning Women's hundreds of packed club or art-house performances, where your jaw would most likely have dropped at the sight of their supreme skill and prowess. Despite the apparent flimsiness of their self-customized 'drying racks', their sound and teamwork are tight and sturdy in a punkjazz kinda way, and despite the undisputably avantgardian approach, the actual songs are danceable and easy to relate to, with enough nuances to transcend most genre boundaries. What's more, they manage to do all that without stooping to gratuitous 'art for art's sake', and actually entertain pretty heterogenic crossover crowds.