Konstantinos-Antonios Goutos (France) ad.topia I, 1:14
Konstantinos-Antonios Goutos (France) ad.topia I, 1:14
21 imperatives, 21 very famous slogans taken from the advertising campaignes of some of the biggest and most successful global companies and products in a very discrete, nameless, successively [video]loop parade... Is the assosiation to the companies and the products still to be recognized even if they are now separated from the logos and the accompanying pictures of the advertising? Is the imperative push still enough strong as by the original advertising? Is it reminds us already father’s, priest’s, revolutionary’s, psychologist’s, poet’s or philosopher’s advices?

Konstantinos-antonios goutos / the[video]Flâneu® born february 11, 1973 in Larissa Greece. Larissa, Thessaloniki, Athens, Kastoria, Vienna, Prague, Weimar, Rome, Berlin, Leipzig, Krakow, Genoa, Enschede, Lisbon, Halle, Paris, are very important stations in his life… At this moment he [video]strolls (in) the city of Paris, France. The last years, more than 50 different own works were presented in more than 150 film/media/art events (in 30 lands and 70 cities) of Europe, America and Asia and he has been [video]strolling (in) more than 45 cities. Since 2010 he also creates under the persona the artwertease®